About Us
All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.
Walt Disney
Unique Teaching Resources
Principal's Message
Welcome to Rupert Elementary School where character counts and hard work is rewarded. I am excited to start the new year at Rupert Elementary School located behind WGMS. This will be our fifth year at our new school. Change is inevitable but growth is essential. We are a team working together to keep our whole school safe, healthy and thriving.
Our theme this year is Be More Excellent! We will focus on attendance as this is what contributes to student success. We will be working together to make each day count. I encourage you to read with your students each night for at least 20 minutes. I welcome families to participate in your child’s learning. We are a learning community that needs teachers, custodians, aides, cooks, secretaries, bus drivers, parents and community members and all involved in the child’s life to participate in our goal and that is all students can succeed.
Our positive behavior support program is BMX Be More Excellent. We have expectations posted throughout the school and in the classrooms. We will continue with our P.B.I.S which is positive behavior interventions and supports. This means we support learners and strive to support students with positive interventions in order to change behavior. This year we will be using Class DoJo and we will have parent information and sign up at the start of school.
I look forward to working with you during this year. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 304-392-5235 or Email JL Harden here.
Jenny Harden